By Keilan Dobish
Bodyweight Training in Performance Athletes + Sample Workout The majority of individuals will associate working out or training with at gym with equipment such as dumbbells, barbell’s, kettlebells, machines, etc. However, there may be times that these luxuries may not be available, or even necessary. A lot of people tend to underestimate the value and significance of simply utilizing their own bodyweight for workouts.
An overlooked importance of bodyweight workouts is the fact of allowing young or inexperienced individuals to become more comfortable and familiar within their own bodies, and learning how to use their own bodies more effectively. When an individual is newer to sport/activity(especially if they begin at an age where their body is more developed), they may struggle to fully understand how to use their own body to the best of their abilities. This is especially evident in larger individuals who begin playing sports at a later age in their childhood. Included below are 3 different bodyweight workouts. The 1st is a circuit focused solely on strength training. The 2nd is a circuit that combines strength along with cardio. The 3rd one is a strength training workout designed for performance athletes. Enjoy!
Workout Format #1 - Bodyweight Strength Workout
Deadbugs (10 Reps/Side)
Birddogs (10 Reps/Side)
Squats (10 Reps)
Push-Ups (10 Reps)
Alternate Lunges(10 Reps/Leg)
Dips (10 Reps)
Calf Raises (10 Reps)
Single Leg Hip Thrusts (10 Reps/Side)
Sit-Ups (10 Reps)
Russian Twists (10 Twists/Side)
Plank (45 Seconds)
*Complete 5-8 Sets with 2 Minutes Rest between Sets*
Workout Format #2 - Bodyweight Strength + Cardio Workout
A1 : Deadbugs (30 Seconds)
A2 : Birddogs (30 Seconds)
*Complete 3-5 Sets with 30 Seconds Rest between Sets*
B1 : Stationary High Knees (30 Seconds)
B2 : Stationary Butt Kicks (30 Seconds)
B3 : Stationary Fast Feet (30 Seconds)
B4 : Side-to-Side Shuffles (30 Second) *Complete 3-5 Sets with 30 Seconds Rest between Sets*
C1 : Push-Ups (30 Seconds) C2 : Dips (30 Seconds) C3 : Mountain Climbers (30 Seconds)
C4 : Jumping Jacks (30 Seconds) *Complete 3-5 Sets with 30 Seconds Rest between Sets*
D1 : Squats (30 Seconds) D2 : Stationary Jumping Lunges (30 Seconds/Leg)
D3 : Calf Raises (30 Seconds) D4 : Calf Raises (30 Seconds) *Complete 3-5 Sets with 30 Seconds Rest between Sets*
E1 : Plank Jacks (30 Seconds) E2 : Sit-Ups (30 Seconds) E3 : Russian Twists (30 Seconds) *Complete 3-5 Sets with 30 Seconds Rest between Sets*
*Workout Format #3 - Strength Workout for Performance Athletes* Mobility/Activation A1 : Deadbugs - 2 Sets x 10 Reps/Side
A2 : Bird Dogs - 2 Sets x 10 Reps/Side
B1 : T-Spine Rotations - 2 Sets x 10 Reps/Side
B2 : 90-90’s - 2 Sets x 10 Reps/Side
C1 : Breath Planks - 2 Sets x 10 Breaths
C2 : Groiners - 2 Sets x 10 Reps/Side
Upper Body Strength A1 : Push-Up Series - 5 Sets ➢ Plyometric Push-Ups - 5 Reps
➢ Tricep Push-Ups - 5 Reps ➢ Normal Push-Ups - 5 Reps
A2 : Dips - 5 Sets x 10 Reps A3 : Incline Push-Ups - 5 Sets x 10 Reps
A4 : Inchworms - 5 Sets x 10 Reps
Lower Body Strength A1 : Jump Squats - 4 Sets x 12 Reps A2 : Jump Lunges - 4 Sets x 12 Reps A3 : Calf Raises - 4 Sets x 20 Reps A4 : Mountain Climbers - 4 Sets x 20 Reps/Side
Accessory/Core A1 : Nordic Hamstring Curls - 4 Sets x 5 Reps
A2 : Russian Twists - 4 Sets x 10 Twists/Side
A3 : Plank - 4 Sets x 60 Seconds